Friday, May 11, 2007

Resurrection life within me and in my family

I had a very enjoyable swim - 30 laps within an hr.. Before swimming, my neck was aching like mad due to my sleeping posture. After listening to my pastor's sermon yesterday nite, I started to visualise Jesus suffering that pain on his neck at the croos and not able to relax to ease that pain. Amazingly true, the pain went away after my 6th lap.. I was having my quiet time with Jesus in the pool while swimming and pondering over a statement which deacon Matt mentioned regarding the resurrection life in one of the RSM meetings..

We being in Christ, have the resurrection life within us and it is this life that gives us the power to overcome all obstacles in our lives. I was meditating over this while I swam and the thought dropped into my heart to tell me that I already have the resurrection life of Jesus within me. The power to overcome all trials and obstacles will be more prevalent in this resurrection life. In fact, the day we accepted Lord Jesus as our Savior, resurrection life immediately took charge. It is this life that gives us every power to bind, to overcome, to heal, to be strong, to be financially sound, etc.. Every area that has death in it will be resurrected becoz of this life given to us..

So, I saw my body in the resurrected form and amazingly, I began to swim further with no pain and I started to enjoy every lap. Right now, as I am typing this out, I just feel the resurrected life within me and every part of my body is healing.. Parts that are weak will be made stronger, parts that are already strong will remain strong.. Resurrection life does not stop in our body.. It continues on with our daily life, personal life, social life, and definitely family life..

Right now, the devil is diverting all his energy on my brother and I bind everything that the devil is trying to put into my family including him. I may not like my brother but he's still my family.. As his sister, I have the rights to bind all evil that the devil is trying to place. The devil has no rights to put anything into my family as long as my Living God lives. Not as long as I live, neither as long as my sis-in-law or mom live.. But by the period that my Living God Jesus lives.. There is resurrection power in my family including my brother and his family.. And I'm declaring it not of my own righteousness but by Jesus' righteousness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice blog! You may appreciate also the many testimonies of our Savior at