Sunday, May 27, 2007

A career breakthrough!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

It has been over 7 years since I joined my current company and haven't realised that I had been working there for so long. Had gone through so many restructuring and new supervisors within these 7 yrs plus. Well, a sense of reluctance filled my heart last week but I still had the peace within me to make a thorough, searched-my-heart decision to move up to another higher level. Indeed during this period, I have learned so many ropes from my supervisors and having good colleague relationships.

However, there is a point that a person will move on to the next level and the disappointments I had after my dept head told me about my performance truly sparked off my heart to look for another job. I prayed to the Lord for a new beginning on 2nd April after listening to pastor Lian's sermon in late March. I saw myself in the same situation as the people of Israel in Rephidim that I expected a good bonus payout for the performance last year but ended up getting very little. I was so angry and reacted the same way as these people and doubted the Lord. However, I am truly thankful to Daddy God that through Pastor Lian, I understood how Jesus was standing on the rock being smitten by the rod which pictures Him at the cross being smitten by God on my behalf.

On 23rd April, a recruitment agent mailed me for a release of my CV and I replied her. I didn't think much about it as usual. However, on 25th April, I asked the Lord for a new position, and to take control of my career. and to lead me with a peace to move on for the next career shift. So, I told the Lord that I want to have a new job / position with good benefits, salary, and great favors with the new bosses. On 26th April, my pastor prayed for those who wanted a new job to have a better position, better salary, better benefits, favor with supervisors and people. During then, I was stunned and thank God that my mom and my sis-in-law were with me. They knew so much that I badly needed a break from my current job. Both of them immediately placed their hands on me and I claimed it right away. I told the Lord that the prayer that pastor made is mine and I grabbed it fully. My heart was so happy and I was rejoicing so much and tears welled up in my eyes..

On that week, so many things happened at work and I was supposed to go on a customer site visit on 27th April. I was kindda feeling very sian oredi and also I didn't want to go coz I want to wear casual clothes to office on the Fri as it is a dress-down for us. I didn't exactly prayed but I knew that Lord listened to my heart. True enuf, the visit was called off. I was so happy then. On 4th May, I was told that I had to make another site visit to another customer on Monday. At the same time, my agent called me to arrange for an interview on Tuesday and an interview with the company that she had put me in on Wednesday. I realised that my customer's place and the agency are located in the same building in Orchard Rd. Oh boy.. I had to make 2 trips for these and I started to think again - wishing that all can be done on 1 day.

Praise be to Jesus and somehow all the arrangements were shifted to Tuesday itself. I was again blur or rather stunned that things worked out the way I wanted it to be. Praise Jesus! On 9th May, I went to the company for my interview and I was late!! Wah!!! I was kindda thinking, Lord... what's next?? But I told the Lord that He will take care of everything even though I'm going to be late for my interview. Praise the Lord!! When I reached the company, everything went on very well and it lasted for an hr.. Wow.. That was a super long interview leh..

After the interview, I went back and brought my niece and nephew for a swim and we enjoyed our time at the pool with my mom.. Then on 10th May, my agent called me to tell me the good news that the interviewers had very good remarks of me. I was so thrilled and my eyes again welled up with tears.. I knew that this is definitely again from the Lord. I went home and told my mom and sis-in-law. They were truly happy for me. After that, I waited until last Wed and my agent called me again to tell me the next good news. This time, I was jumping for joy!! I waited for the call from my interviewer about the package that the company is offering.

Praise God!! She called and told me the package.. COOL!! I got a new position, better salary, bonus payout, allowances, leave etc... I was so happy and forgot to ask her quite a few questions.. Then, I made a mistake by asking my colleague about the company and he told me that the package given wasn't that attractive. Well, I dun know if he's jealous or wat but I seek the Lord and my mom's caregroup leader. I even seek my mom's and sis-in-law's advices and all of them scolded me for considering too much.. :P hahaha.. well, okie.. I started to ask the Lord for the peace and praise Jesus, it came immediately.

So, I was supposed to call my interviewer the next day to confirm the package.. WAH!!! I was under fire by the devil. I had stomach pains in the morning and it came with no rhyme or reason.. The pain lasted nearly the whole day but I confessed the Lord's promises on healing and that I'm the righteousness of God in Christ. Next, as I prepared to go to work, I forgot to bring my handphone. Great!!! :( But!! Praise the Lord again!! I had the interviewer's handphone no on a piece of paper which I didn't throw away!! I wanted to throw it away but there was a prompting to make me lazy to throw it away.. hahaha.. interesting..

After that, I called the interviewer and asked her more questions before I agreed on the package. Well, I'm really really happy and arranged with her to sign the offer letter on last Friday. Now, I'm waiting for Friday to submit my resignation letter to my team leader and looking forward to my new position in a new place. And to make it even better, a prayer which I made 2 years back was also answered!! hahahaha.. That is, to be near my church!!! And it is indeed a few meters away from my church!! The company is located in the same area in the same building!! Another great news came again on Thursday when my pastor made an announcement about the midweek services.. Initially, I kept thinking about how to fetch my sis-in-law and her 2 kids home after the service - knowing that I might not be driving to office anymore.. Praise the Lord once again for His goodness!! The midweek service has been stopped for other arrangements and I won't have to drive every Thursday to my new office liao..

This is really really God who really really arranges everything for me. I didn't expect so much of His goodness and He really showed so much goodness to me in my life and my family. Seriously, I believed that I am a miracle child that my family has and I am indeed special in God's eyes..
Daddy God, thank you!! :) Lord Jesus, thank you very very much!!! :) And Holy Spirit, thank you soooo much!!! :)

Well, a lot of things happened and it's a miracle - really supernatural and it IS really GOD!!


Evelyn Zoe said...

wow praise Jesus! ;-) congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! :) so, do keep in touch after leaving this company. i will always miss you especially breakfast session.

Danz said...

kekeke.. me too leh.. going to miz ya all.. dun make me cry ah.. :P

Lance Eh. said...

wow! Praise God and congrats!