Sunday, December 09, 2007

Super tired but super blessed...

Wow... The 2nd camp for the year is over now and I'm so glad that the camps this year that I went were sooooooo awesome!! This camp was for the pri 4 & 5 kids this time and all of us had a lot of good times. And after the camp, I had given a lot of thoughts about my previous blog and I'm clearer of the direction that the Lord has paved for me.. Yup! That is to continue in the Children's Ministry.. That's where my heart really is in 100%.. Simply loved the children so much and I had really learned a lot of things from them.

Phew.. One year is almost coming to an end and I'm glad that though I had been super duper busy (both at work and in church), the Lord gave me the supernatural strength to move on without getting burned out. I just had a thought about life and I told the Lord, "Lord, I want to see the children in the CM as they grow up and I want to see them through my life.. I want to live long to be able to see them all. I want to live long to serve the children and You.. And I want to live long to enjoy everything in my life that You have given to me. And I believe I will live long coz in the bible You say, with long life You will satisfy me." Well, with this - I've decided to move out of my 1st ministry and focus my attention to the children. They are simply too precious.. Though I do feel a little sad that I have to make this decision, I believe that the Lord has already paved this way for me to shine. So, I will flow with the Lord and He will see through everything in my life, family, serving, career, finances etc.. I believe I will not be short-changed for He is good and has been good to me throughout my life.

Juz recently after a devotion session with the children, i realised how super super blessed I am to have a caring mom who loves me so much. I shared with the kids about how I used to be extremely rebellious and how her love and concerns for me really touched my heart. I believed the Lord had done this through my mom who accepted Christ when I was young. As in the bible says, the Lord will teach our children. And I really understood how the Lord has taught me throughout my growing years - transforming this rebellious gal who wrecked havoc most of the time to the new ME who treasures her life very much.. Thus, I truly believe that the Lord knows how to teach the children as they grow up..

Having recalled that when I was young, the Lord protected me from getting knocked down by cars twice.. I believed that He has a purpose for me to live so that I can be His instrument. I'm truly honored that the Lord has chosen me to be His instrument and it is His Grace that touched my heart so much. People may wonder why I want to put all my focus in the children.. Well.. this was how it started.. When I was young, I attended Sunday School in another church and I heard of Jesus then. All I knew then was that Jesus loves me but never understood how much He loved me. Anyway, I felt so privileged to be able to attend Sunday School actually.. :) Until the year of taking my PSLE, I prayed to Lord Jesus to help me in exams and during the exams, I told the Lord to leave me and help others.. Well, it was then my thoughts ran wild and I panicked that I asked the Lord to "get lost"...

During then, I didn't even know that our Lord will never leave us nor forsake us even we had asked him to "get lost". I never heard of that verse once when i was in Sunday School. Or rather I never had the understanding that Jesus will always be in us.. From then, condemnation set in and my life started to change until the Lord guided me to NCC when my life was totally transformed since then..

Well, whatever it is, Daddy.. Thank u for protecting me, and guiding me and most importantly, for giving up Jesus on the cross so that I can run back to u again... muacks..


muimui said...

i think this year you experience a lot of thing. :) Hope you have a good start for next year too!!!

Danz said...

LOL.. yah.. this year had been a very eventful year.. So far this year is better than last year BUT not as good as next year!! yay!!! Next year will be a better year...