Sunday, December 10, 2006

Healing Received

All the praises to Lord Jesus! As I had been looking forward to serving in the Children's Church, I thought it will be another great day! However, I was down with a severe headache when I woke up this morning. I told the Lord, 'Lord, I want to serve and I want to play with the children. I don't want to miss this serving but the headache was too painful.' I started to focus my eyes to Jesus and told Him that He had bore my pain on Himself at the cross and I should not have this headache anymore.

Well, I was about to sms my leader to inform her but I was too sleepy even after my shower. I was about to pop in 2 panadols but I took another 1/2 hr sleep instead. This time, I just want to praise Jesus! This 1/2 hr sleep was so powerful and precious that I started to feel energized and I knew that this was definitely from the Lord. It was so amazing and I left the house to head on to church!!

As I was on my way, I told the Lord saying, 'Lord, You are my divine strength. I need You for strength and I thank You that You are my Strength. Help me up throughout the day.' When I reached church, alertness sprang back and I started to set up the room with my team mates. Though I was kindda sad that I didn't see my usual team, I was still very joyful coz the other teachers from Team B helped us out a lot. They are indeed very precious.

I was assigned to teach during classtime and I was feeling a little.. oh no!!! Lord, Help!! I hadn't had the slightest clue on how to teach the little ones!! Amazingly, during our debrief, Teacher Edwin mentioned a few tips and they are indeed useful. Praise be to Jesus that the Pri 2 girls are smart!! They are indeed fantastic and they completed their worksheet with minimal supervision. Praise Jesus!!

Well, this was one of the things that I'm learning right now and another major task coming up for the Children's Church Camp on this coming Thur - Sat, I was assigned to be the teacher for devotion time. Oh Lord Jesus!! Help again!! I cannot do it!! Only You can do it!! Teach me to teach the children, Lord. In addition, I was also assigned to be the Asst Leader for my group. Lord, there is something coming up for me now and I know You are already working on it.

I don't know what it is and I don't think I have what it takes. The only thing is that I depend on You now. I'm truly blessed by You and I'm sure Your blessings will never cease.. The only thing I know now is that Children's Church is really the ministry where my heart truly belongs, despite all the years of getting confirmation from You. Lord, I am still afraid and I don't know what else to do in serving. Only You can make me soar and I will soar like an eagle.

Father, whatever it is, I just leave all cares to You and You will restore all that I had lost over the years. Thank You Lord Jesus.

The awesome part was the sermon that Pastor had preached today and it's about supernatural healing. Indeed, I had experienced supernatural healing this morning and I didn't need to pop in any panadols. All the praises to Lord Jesus!!

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